Our campus clubs for 2022-23 will be in operation with the following school district, working to build a sustainable, self-sufficient program:

Ferris ISD, Ferris Junior High Campus, 6 Cohorts of 20 students, Grades 6-8, Teachers TBD email@ferrisisd.org

Ferris JH Principal, Ray Blanco, rblanco@ferrisisd.org

Ferris ISD Deputy Superintendent, TJ Knight, tjknight@ferrisisd.org

Additional Club Partnerships, having worked with other school districts in DFW before the pandemic, we’ve realigned our efforts to create self-managed DWY clubs. The work and results are rewarding, but it requires a large investment of time for our small team to go between districts each week and safely execute our after school extension activities during weekend and overnight events. In the short-term, schools interested in learning more about our program are encourage to email or give us a call! We want to help you learn about how to create and run your own Destination Wilderness Youth Club! Our TPWD grant funding doesn’t allow us to stretch our reach to more than 200 unique individuals each year, so we are working to share our curriculum, calendars, and programming with schools that are interested in doing this program on their own. We’ve elected to focus our grant funds this year with one district to help them develop their own sustainable program. What we learn here will help us replicate it with other districts in the near future. It is our intent to teach and share this type of programming with any school district that’s interested - so just reach out and we’ll go from there!

Fun at our Campus Campouts!